
Cysts are very common among the general population and are, in most circumstances, noncancerous. They show up as sac-like cavities that are typically filled with dead skin. They can appear anywhere on the body and in all shapes and sizes, feeling like a pea-sized lesion beneath the skin. At Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics, with locations in Port Orange, DeLand, and Orange City, FL, Neil Sandhu, MD, FAAD, and the team of physician assistant providers employ several techniques to treat and remove cysts in a relatively painless method that requires little recovery time. Call the office or book an appointment online today.

cysts Q&A

A cyst is a sac that forms in the body — it can form in bones, organs, or tissues. The cysts that form in the skin are essentially a pocket that is filled with skin cells, bacteria, and/or pus. They vary dramatically in size and can be found anywhere on the body. As time goes by, more and more skin cells are trapped in the cyst causing the cyst to grow larger.

A cyst feels like a little knot or bump underneath the skin. It may begin as an ingrown hair or acne pore that becomes infected, creating an opportunity for the skin to get turned in on itself. The cyst may become large enough to drain the rotten skin cells, these cells cause the putrid smell.

The surface of your skin (epidermis) is made up of a thin, protective layer of cells that your body continuously sheds. Most cysts form when these cells move deeper into your skin and multiply rather than slough off. Sometimes the cysts form due to irritation or injury of the skin or the most superficial portion of a hair follicle. The epidermal cells form the walls of the cyst and then secrete the protein keratin into the interior. The keratin is the thick, yellow substance that sometimes drains from the cyst. This abnormal growth of cells may be due to a damaged hair follicle or oil gland in your skin.

Most epidermoid cysts don’t cause problems or need treatment. See your provider at Aspire Dermatology & Aesthetics if you have one or more cysts that:

  • Grows rapidly
  • Ruptures or becomes painful or infected
  • Occurs in a spot that’s constantly irritated
  • Bothers you for cosmetic reasons
  • Is in an unusual location, such as a finger and toe 

If you feel something hard under your skin, get it checked out as soon as possible. It may be a normal cyst that the doctor can easily remove, but it could also be something different.

If a cyst becomes infected, it can limit the treatment options to draining and antibiotics. The sooner you see a dermatologist after noticing a cyst, the smaller the chance of pain developing or the cyst coming back. If you’re not sure if you have a cyst, see a dermatology provider at Aspire Dermatology & Aesthetics and let an expert make the diagnosis.

It’s best to have a cyst removed by a dermatologist before it bursts. This small outpatient surgery will eliminate the problem for good. During a cyst removal, your dermatologist or dermatology physician assistant at Aspire Dermatology & Aesthetics will mark and numb the area around the bump. You’ll get a few Lidocaine injections that may slightly sting, but after that you won’t feel the procedure. The provider will then remove the pocket of skin cells, and put stitches on the inside and outside of the skin that will last for about two months. The skin will heal from the inside out.

Insurance usually covers cyst removals. Since a cyst removal is a medical procedure (not cosmetic), the costs go against your deductible. 

To explore treatment options for Cysts, we welcome you to schedule an appointment at Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics. Call the office or book a consultation online today.

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