Eczema is a common skin condition that affects more than 15 million Americans. Though there’s no cure for eczema, various treatments can minimize uncomfortable symptoms and improve your quality of life. At Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics, with locations in Orange City, DeLand, and Port Orange, FL, Neil Sandhu, MD, FAAD, and his team provide safe and effective care for eczema, guided by a board-certified dermatologist. To schedule an appointment, book online or call the office to speak with a friendly staff member today.

Eczema Q&A

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a dermatologic problem that causes your skin to become red and itchy. It is especially common in children aged 5 and younger, but it affects teenagers and adults as well. 

Eczema occurs due to a genetic variation that prevents your skin from retaining moisture. Moisture protects your skin from allergens, irritants, and bacteria. If your skin doesn’t provide adequate protection, it’s more easily affected by environmental factors. In some cases, eczema also occurs due to food allergies. 

Eczema is a lifelong problem that varies in severity. Many people with eczema experience flare-ups throughout the year in conjunction with allergies like hay fever and asthma.

Eczema Affects Everyone Differently, but Common Symptoms Include: 

  • Small raised bumps that leak fluid 
  • Itching that’s especially severe at night 
  • Dry skin Red or gray patches of skin on the hands, feet, ankles, or wrists 
  • Thickened, cracked, or scaly skin 

Because eczema causes your skin to itch, you might also experience raw, sensitive, or swollen areas due to frequent scratching.

Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics Diagnosis Eczema By Examining Your Skin, Reviewing Your Medical History, And Asking About Your Symptoms. If your provider suspects your symptoms are due to another allergy, they might recommend patch testing to identify other conditions that occur alongside your eczema. If you’re a parent and you suspect a food allergy is responsible for your child’s symptoms, make sure to let your provider know.

Treatment for eczema depends on the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your quality of life. Whenever possible, Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics uses conservative, noninvasive treatments to manage itchy skin and irritation, including: 

  • Creams that control itching 
  • Drugs that fight infection 
  • Oral medications that control inflammation Injectable biologics 

You might also benefit from complementary therapies, including wet dressings, light therapy, or behavioral modification and biofeedback. 

Treatment for infants with eczema is a little different. Usually, this entails identifying and avoiding skin irritants, avoiding extreme temperatures, and keeping your baby’s skin lubricated with oils and lotions. 

If eczema negatively affects your quality of life, schedule an appointment at Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics. Call the office and speak with a friendly staff member or book a consultation online today.

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