Photodynamic therapy is a technique that can treat actinic keratosis, acne, and help with photo-rejuvenation. Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics, with locations in Port Orange, DeLand, and Orange City, FL, offers Blu-U® photodynamic therapy and other dermatology treatments to residents of Orange City and surrounding Central Florida areas. Book your appointment for expert, compassionate care now by requesting online or calling the office.

Blue Light Photodynamic Blue-Light Therapy Q & A

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), or Blue-Light therapy, is a medical treatment that utilizes a photosensitizing molecule (frequently a drug that becomes activated by light exposure) and a light source to activate the administered drug. Very thin superficial skin cancers called Actinic Keratoses and certain other types of cancer cells can be eliminated this way. Acne can also be treated as well. The procedure is easily performed in a physician’s office or outpatient setting. PDT is also referred to as blue light therapy.

Plan to be at our Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics office for 1.5 hours for a complete and successful photonamic theraphy procedure. PDT essentially has three steps. Your dermatologist or dermatology physician assistant at Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics will perform the procedure. 

1st – Application of photosensitizer drug: a light-sensitizing liquid, cream, or intravenous drug (photosensitizer) is applied or administered. Occasionally, a photosensitizing molecule that is already part of the body can be activated. 

2nd – incubation period: there is an incubation period of minutes to days. 

3rd – light activation: the target tissue is then exposed to a specific wavelength of light that then activates the photosensitizing medication. The mechanism by which tissue is destroyed seems to depend on the presence of activated oxygen molecules.

PDT works by direct injury to the target cells and tissues. This involves the production of an activated oxygen molecule that can injure or destroy nearby cells. Because the normal skin barrier is not present at the sites of the actinic keratoses, photosensitizing molecule is preferentially absorbed there and then activated by light. The activated oxygen destroys the adjacent abnormal tissue. Once the areas have healed following PDT, the areas are reexamined to see if additional treatments or biopsies are needed. 

With traditional cryosurgery (freezing with liquid nitrogen), only the visible actinic keratoses can be treated. Since many actinic keratoses are often not evident, PDT might be preferable since it presumably would destroy these “subclinical” lesions. PDT allows for treatment of an entire area of sun damage simultaneously, but subsequent treatments may be necessary.

Request an appointment online or call Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics to get state-of-the-art treatment for actinic keratosis now.

You don’t have to take any medication or worry about long, drawn-out treatment regimens with BLU-U. Stay indoors during daylight hours for a minimum of 48 hours after your treatment. Annexus Dermatology patients have gotten great results from BLU-U treatment with excellent aesthetic ratings and no reports of scarring. Since the main cause of actinic keratosis is sun exposure, it’s important that you minimize exposure going forward. Use a good sunblock product on all exposed skin to protect yourself as much as possible.

Although primarily used for the treatment of actinic keratosis, photodynamic therapy does produce benefits when used as a photorejuvenation treatment. With PTD, guests can enjoy tightened skin, reduced wrinkles, and improved tone and texture.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a revolutionary treatment of hard-to-treat acne and acne scars.  PDT has been used to treat acne for over 10 years.  PDT combines light and a special light-activated solution (Levulan) that targets and destroys acne activity. This treatment also diminishes older acne scars, leaving your skin smoother. This light-based treatment has been shown to affect both the acne-causing oil glands in the skin, as well as the P. acnes bacteria that contribute to the development of acne lesions. In Portland, PDT has been reported to treat active pimples and comodones, decrease the frequency of acne breakouts, as well as improve the tone and texture of the skin while softening the appearance of acne scars. 

Request an appointment online or call Annexus Dermatology & Aesthetics today to schedule a state-of-the-art treatment photo dynamic blue-light treatment.

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